

Jul 8, 2012
Category: General
Posted by: TwanWintjes

Today I removed the Google Advertising from my website. It was a test to see if it works, actually it does work but not very well. Now I don't want to bother you with ads anymore, so I removed it.

Jul 1, 2012
Category: General
Posted by: TwanWintjes

Currently trying to improve DTS-HD MA and TrueHD bitrate calculation. In the current release of AVCHDCoder it will result in heavily undersized disc or oversized discs, sometimes the disc is nearly full. With new special formulas for the HD audio format I will try to improve the calculations so the disc won't undersize/oversize. Together with some other formulas the total of formulas will hit 6000 (currently 1500).

Jun 28, 2012
Category: General
Posted by: TwanWintjes

I installed a bugtracker so you can now report bugs on a central system. This way it is easier for me to manage the project. No account is required to see the reported bugs. If you want to report a bug you will need to create an account. The system can also be used for feature requests.

Sep 5, 2011
Category: General
Posted by: TwanWintjes

I started with the development of AVCHDCoder for Linux. I think there will be enough users so the time and effort I need to put into the project is righteous. If you are interested take a look at the following page: AVCHDCoder for Linux

First I will only focus on Ubuntu 11.04 but I think if you are experienced enough you can also get it to work on other distro's.

Jul 16, 2011
Category: General
Posted by: TwanWintjes

Yesterday I moved this website to a new server. Now both my website and hosting for all avchdcoder downloads are on the same server. This also means that this website can be browsed with a IPv6 internet connection! Somebody needs to be first :)

ipv6 ready

Jul 1, 2011
Category: General
Posted by: TwanWintjes

On July 1st, 2011 hackers attacked my website. As a result the hosting company deleted my whole website and the website was blacklisted on all major browser (in case you asked yourself what is happening). Within a couple of hours I start rebuilding the website and the website was removed form the blacklist. The nice thing is that I didn't lost the contents of this website so I could bring it back online quickly.

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